Ina from What Ina loves started a nice project called " Things about your life" and I just have the desire to do with. In the next 12 months ( always on 20.) I will write down about specific themes::
Januar Your Resolutions / Wishes / Plans/ Goals for 2013 {deine Vorsätze/Wünsche/Pläne/Ziele für 2013}
Februar Your perfect Bed & Breakfast Day {Beschreibe deinen perfekten "Bed & Breakfast" Tag}
März Behind the Scene {Hinter den Kulissen eines Blogposts von dir}
April 5 Ideas to spend a Spring Day {5 Ideen einen Frühlingstag zu erleben}
Mai Your 5 Favorite Places {Deine 5 Lieblingsplätze}
Juni Your Summer Must-Haves {Deine Sommer Must-Haves}
Juli :
September Your unforgettable Summer Memories? {Deine unvergesslichen Sommererinnerungen}
Oktober Now & Then - How your life changed in the last 6 year? {Wie hat sich dein Leben in den letzten 6 Jahren geändert?}
November :
Dezember Best 5 things you love about Christmas {5 Dinge die du an Weihnachten besonders liebst}
click on the pict to be direct to " What Ina loves" blog |
I hope you will like it. I just have to think how I want to do it.. with pictures or text or what.. i need some inspiration. I have advertised myself already for her " New Blog to the Top".. I hope she will do some ads for my blog ;) now i´m looking at her " Style up your room" searching for some inspiration for my apartment. She has always such good ideas!! You should go to visit her blog!
{ What Ina loves} Well, have a nice evening, i think i´m going to watch a movie from my favorite japanese director while i´m waiting for my husband coming home with my dinner ( since two days i drink just a little bit of multivitamin juice, but i don´ eat nothing :( - so this evening i must try to eat, even if I don´t want. ~ bye.