Waiting to go to school..

So yesterday was pretty funny. My friend moved to me for a cupple of days, she brought me flowers for the ospitality. we took a walk along the river, and sit in a pub talking and talking. At the end we went to a birthday party in a shisha bar of a friend of her, but we were tired so not so long.. and then in the evening in our beds we just talked talked and talked.. was really nice.. btw today are -3!!! and i will see my sanjay again! i can´t wait!! have a nice day i have to go to school ;) xoxo, Vero
{heiße Vanilla Chai Latte mit Sahne & Zimt via Cityglamblog}

9 commenti:

  1. Huuum Capuccino <3 (Thank you for your comment :))

  2. hey veo
    ja da sagst du was..könnte auch jeden abend chai latte trinken :D
    liebste grüße

    ach würdest du evtl unters bild {picture via cityglamblog} schreiben wenn du meine bilder verwendest ;D

  3. That looks sooooo tasty! xx


  4. Nom nom nom...sounds like you had fun!

  5. I loveeeee starbucks! I love their cups too! Such a cute picture !

  6. vielen dank! deine sehen auch sehr interessant aus!

  7. du hast aber ein süssen blog:) bin nun deine neue leserin, hoffe dir gefällt mein blog auch:)


  8. I love the way you've changed the blog as well as the icon that goes next to your name in google tabs.
    I'm glad you will spend well the other day and yum! tip is fine coffee <3


thanks for your comment! ♥

besides italian, i speak:
english, german and spanish ;)