The sky above Berlin..

Hallo ihr Lieben!
So, yesterday we went to watch the apartment.. it was not so bad, just.. there were too much things to do, to repair, and they needs money, that we don´t have. So we won´t move out.. we´ll stay here in our small room.. unfortunately. Naja, it´s not so important. Important is that my Mom tomorrow arrives!!! Yuppi!! She already told me, she bought so much things to eat from Italy! So delicious!!! so happy.. Naja, now i go again in the bed with my boyfriend, to hug a little bit.. In those days it´s so sunny.. and Berlin looks so beautiful! ♥ xoxo, Vero
Berlin Skyline at 7. 30 a.m. (25. 11. 2011)

6 commenti:

  1. That is such a beautiful view, I love it if only I could see such a beautiful sight! ♥

  2. das erste Bild ist toll♥
    dein Blog gefällt mir!

  3. Berlin is such a beautiful city! Love it! ^^

  4. What a stunning post!!! I love the first!!!!

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  5. Grazie Veronica per il tuo dolce commento!!!

    Ora hai una follower in piu!!!! :)

    Se ti va passa dal mio blog...le foto relative al mio incontro con Anna dello Russo!!!! ;)




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