Some new projects for September

Hallo ihr Lieben!!
Finally it´s September, and the last horrible month is over. And the sun is back!! And i´m again healthy!! So how can you understand, i´m pretty happy, just i have to work :/  That is really s*** This month will be turn in so many news!! Here are my projects for this months:
  • Find a new work ( i don´t like where i actually work)
  • I will have holidays in Italy after 1 year and 5 months ( I counted the days) 
  • I want to eat more healthy. It doesn´t mean i will be on diet ( well, if i lost some kgs i will be just happy) but not, i just want to purify my body. You have just one, and you need it.

I understood this in the last time because my body was ill, just because i didn´t take care that much. This will change!! I will try to eat most vegetables and meat, to take protein and vitamin ( i don´t really eat enough). 
If you have any suggestions i would be happy to read them. I like suggestions ;) So plz, write. I go to prepare myself. How you can see, i´m still without make- up and with leonine hair, drinking a cup of tea for bladder and kidney. ( to help them to work and to purify). We see us ;) xoxo, Vero

1 commento:

  1. Hope you get to fulfill your projects!
    I'm a bad eater too. Been underage all my teenage life. Just turned 20 and the weight has remained constant.
    I'm trying to change too by eating-at least by force.

    ❤Not Just My Allegories❤


thanks for your comment! ♥

besides italian, i speak:
english, german and spanish ;)